



Robert Diggs, Jr. aka RZA , membre et architecte sonore attitré du Wu-Tang Clan.

Collaboration avec Björk

En 1997, RZA remixe le morceau Bachelorette. La même année, RZA mentionne Björk sur la chanson Reunited.

Wu-Tang Incorp. take your brain on spacewarp
Talk strange like Björk, great hero Jim Thorpe

Titre enregistré et jamais publié

Une rumeur circule, selon laquelle une collaboration entre Björk et RZA aurait été enregistrée. Björk explique qu’ils ont produit assez de titres pour sortir un EP. Peu de temps après, elle corrige et précise qu’il s’agit d’un seul titre. La rumeur tourne court et on apprend qu’elle a simplement terminé deux chansons qui figureront sur l’album Homogenic, l’une est intitulée "jacko" (qui deviendra Alarm Call), et l’autre "Hands".

Lorsqu’on l’interroge à l’époque sur son travail avec RZA, Björk explique qu’ils sont en train de chercher une solution pour sortir le titre qu’ils ont écrit ensemble afin de ne mettre aucun des deux sur la touche, puisqu’il s’agit d’une vraie collaboration, et non d’un featuring.
source : Tom on BEP, juin 2000

Björk à propos de la session avec RZA

I interviewed RZA the other day (obviously) and as well as being a total fucking dude (he rang my mobile and just said “hey man, I’m here for the interview, it’s RZA”) and saying interesting things about things (for more info read the piece here), he also said that he and Bjork had worked together a few years back. Amazing.
I think I knew that already but wanted him to confirm. He said they’d done eight tracks and that he should “dig them out” (er, YES !) but that the whole thing had been scuppered by him being a bit of a liability at the time, i.e. he was smoking too much weed.

3mins30secs - 2011

Homogenic recently celebrated its 20th anniversary. Here’s something I’ve always wondered about that era in your career, as a big Wu-Tang fan : RZA is said to have recorded with you around that time, but the sessions never saw the light of day. What happened ?
Ha ! You know… I don’t know ! I think what happened was… I wanted these kinda Icelandic, volcanic beats, and I was kind of struggling with it. I had done beats on my albums, but it takes me a long time to make them. And sometimes I get impatient and I want other people to do it, so I sit there and describe to them what I want them to do. So, I was in Spain, and Wu-Tang Clan were supposed to come to Spain. RZA was supposed to come. But then months passed. Then the album got finished and I delivered it. Then RZA was like, “I’m ready ! Shall I come to Spain ?”
Instead, I went to New York. We wrote a couple of songs together. And I just felt… sometimes when you do things and you don’t plan them it’s magic. And I really think what we made was magic. But I think because it wasn’t part of the whole Homogenic thing and it wasn’t part of what Wu-Tang were doing at the time, it was better as an idea, if that makes any sense ?
We met a few times though – my favourite moment was when I did an in-store at Tower Records. I’d never done anything like that before. I turned up – and seven of the Wu-Tang Clan turned up to, like, protect me ! I was signing books for an hour, and they sent some of their team, standing there with me. That was one of my all-time favourite moments : I had been on my own, so when they turned up I felt very protected. It was magic. In my eyes, they’re punk. We are definitely [similar] – we do things in, like, a ritual way. The good thing was that I got to hang out with them. I got to see Wu-Tang’s version of New York. Which was pretty cool. A very specific angle on that city that I feel very blessed to have experienced.

Fact - 2017


Bachelorette (RZA Remix) 5:30

