
Copyright Site non officiel et non lucratif, bjork.fr est mis à jour par des passionné·es souhaitant partager leur intérêt au plus grand nombre. Si vous êtes l’auteur•ice d’un contenu (texte, photo, etc.) et ne souhaitez pas figurer sur le site, merci de nous le signaler. Nous prendrons en compte votre demande dans les meilleurs délais. The unofficial and non-commercial bjork.fr website is updated by enthusiastic people willing to share their interest with the entire world. If you come across any kind of copyright issue, please get in touch and ask us to remove your content by sending us an email. We will take down your contents as soon as possible. Thank you. Envoyez un e-mail à l’équipe / join us :

this painting was painted by my grandmother of me when i was around 7 years old
she was a strong role model for me and went to art school with the teenagers in her forties and since i was her oldest grandchild and stayed at her house most weekends of my childhood , i became her model ..... she was very quiet , we didn’t have to talk much , 2 introverts that enjoyed each other’s fertile silences .
it wasn’t until recently i discovered that perhaps this also carried the wonderful weight of me learning first the "female gaze" ?
before the other one ?
also with my mother being an art director on my first album cover that came out when i was 11 ?
 ? question ?


photo : vidar logi
styling : edda gudmundsdottir
Dress : Moncler

Copyright Site non officiel et non lucratif, bjork.fr est mis à jour par des passionné·es souhaitant partager leur intérêt au plus grand nombre. Si vous êtes l’auteur•ice d’un contenu (texte, photo, etc.) et ne souhaitez pas figurer sur le site, merci de nous le signaler. Nous prendrons en compte votre demande dans les meilleurs délais. The unofficial and non-commercial bjork.fr website is updated by enthusiastic people willing to share their interest with the entire world. If you come across any kind of copyright issue, please get in touch and ask us to remove your content by sending us an email. We will take down your contents as soon as possible. Thank you. Envoyez un e-mail à l’équipe / join us :