Vidar Logi

Vidar Logi - Purple Magazine


i am so honoured to be featured in purple magazine ... it is kinda nuts it is my first time as i recently tidied up my garage and found boxes of old issues ... and strangely enough for some education gave them all to an up and coming photographer in iceland in the middle of covid . the world arranges itself in mysterious and miraculous ways and now few years later that same photographer Vidar Logi is capturing me for the cover in iceland ́s red lava hills .
i would like to thank especially my interviewer @ubi.sunt for initiating this , picking a lush location and an extremely fertile dialogue that is still crocheting it ́s way around my brain ... my inner neurology gently vibrating in the aftershock : i bow , i bow .
thanks to @james.t.merry , @eddagud , @joanlbert , @sverrirps , @sunnabjorkmakeup , @steinunnhairstylist for all the help on a sublime day in nature . and to @ozpurple for fighting the integrity fight through decades of keeping niche media relevant and evolving in changing times


outfits @noirkeininomiya
shoes @grounds.official



  • Edda Guðmundsdóttir
  • James Merry
  • Kei Ninomiya