Alex Poots


  • Tournée Biophilia 2011-2013
  • Tournée Cornucopia 2019-2023

Alex Poots

Commissaire d’exposition | Direction de festival

Alexander Poots, ancien directeur du Festival international de Manchester, il est directeur général et directeur artistique fondateur de The Shed à New York.

Il a commandé des œuvres provenant de formes d’art variées, notamment de Matthew Barney, de Marina Abramovic et d’Olafur Eliasson.

Travail avec Björk

 Programmation du live de Biophilia à Manchester (3 semaines)
 Programmation de Cornucopia à New York (1 mois)

Discussing some of its highlights, director Alex Poots said he had been trying to work with Bjork for over a decade.

The Guardian, 2011

"The residency that we had in Manchester existed somewhere between a music concert, an art installation and a piece of theater," says MIF organizer Alex Poots.

Billboard, 2011

À propos de Björk

He had hoped that Björk would be one of the Shed’s first commissioned artists. “I would’ve been really upset if we hadn’t seemed relevant to her,” he said. He first presented her in 2011, when he lured her to the Manchester International Festival (...) certain artists like Björk are very tuned to keeping their eyes wide open all over. She’s someone who opens up questions rather than gives a lot of answers and instructions.”

The New York Times, 2019