- 5 years
- a reaction
- Aeroplane
- All Is Full Of Love
- Bachelorette
- Bachelorette
- being happy with Homogenic
- being truthful
- Björk à propos du titre Alarm Call
- Björk à propos du titre All Is Full Of Love
- Björk à propos du titre All Is Full Of Love
- Björk à propos du titre Bachelorette
- Björk à propos du titre Bachelorette
- Björk à propos du titre Bachelorette
- Björk à propos du titre Hunter
- Björk à propos du titre Jóga
- fighting
- going minimal
- grabbing people
- her beats
- her work on Homogenic
- Homogenic
- Homogenic being extroverted
- Homogenic being a homecoming
- Homogenic being better than Debut
- Homogenic being calm
- Homogenic being the most "her" yet
- Homogenic having no producer
- Homogenics emotion
- how Homogenic is different
- Hunter
- I dare you
- Icelandic techno
- Icelandic techno
- Immature
- Jóga
- less toys
- moving to Spain
- one flavour
- one flavour
- one flavour
- pleasing herself
- Pluto
- Pluto
- Pluto
- Pluto
- recording
- recording in Spain
- So Broken
- So Broken
- starting on the next album
- the album cover
- the challenge
- the next album
- the sound of Homogenic
- the title
- the title
- the title "Homogenic"
- the video for All is full of love
- the video for All is full of love
- Unravel
- vs Debut and Post
- what Homogenic is about
- what Homogenic is like
- who Homogenic is
- working with RZA from Wu-Tang Clan
- writing for friends
Homogenics emotion
Sur le plan émotionnel, cet album parle de toucher le fond et d’en sortir gagnant. C’est l’album le plus sombre que j’ai fait, mais il est plein d’espoir. / Emotionally, this album is about hitting rock bottom and earning your way up. So it’s the darkest album I’ve done emotionally, but it’s got a lot of hope.
Raygun, september 1997