Styliste sud-coréenne, elle étudie d’abord à l’Ecole Central Saint Martin à Londres, puis passe son Master d’Art à l’Institut Français de la Mode à Paris.
Sa collection de fin d’étude "Safe Space" présentée en 2021, d’où est issue la tenue de la couverture de Fossora, est inspirée de son expérience traumatisante où elle s’est fait voler son portable.
Elle cherche, par ses robes, à créer un espace où l’on se sent en sécurité.
Ariana Grande porte aussi une robe de cette même collection.
A propos de la robe
Taken from my last collection, the design was inspired by ideas of safety and protection. The dress has a very distinctive silhouette. You can clearly see that there is a woman within it, but her body is obscured because the design creates a protective barrier between her and the world. It’s about creating a safe space, made for a mysterious woman who is both strong and fragile, whose courage allows her to act adventurously even in the face of danger.
Jisoo Baik - Dazed
A propos de sa collboration avec Björk
It was Björk’s stylist, Edda (Gudmundsdottir), who originally contacted me about collaborating. I was incredibly honoured. I’ve always taken inspiration from Björk’s imagination, creativity, and courage to experiment with music, so the fact that she chose my clothes meant so much to me.
Jisoo Baik - Dazed
A propos de Björk
I was invited to her orchestral concert at La Seine Musicale and I could feel her emotions in her voice, shifting from anger, to sadness, and joy, from a whisper to a growl. It was truly touching. Everything – from the instrumentals, outfits, stage, and audience – felt harmonised and interconnected, like I was jumping into a world that she had created.
Jisoo Baik - Dazed