- À propos de I Miss You
- À propos des paroles d’Isobel
- Army of Me
- Army Of Me
- Björk à propos de I Miss You
- Björk à propos du titre Army Of Me
- Björk à propos du titre Army of Me
- Björk à propos du titre Army Of Me
- Björk à propos du titre Enjoy
- Björk à propos du titre Hyperballad
- Björk à propos du titre Possibly Maybe
- Björk à propos du titre You’ve Been Flirting Again
- Cover Me
- Cover Me
- Debut and Post
- Debut and Post
- Debut vs Post
- duet album
- Enjoy
- Eumir Deodato à propos du titre Hyperballad
- Headphones
- Headphones
- her collaborators
- her new diary
- her next album
- her next album
- Hyperballad
- Hyperballad
- Hyperballad
- Hyperballad
- I Miss You
- Isobel
- Isobel
- Isobel
- Isobel
- Isobel
- Its Oh So Quiet
- Its Oh So Quiet
- Its Oh So Quiet
- Its oh so Quiet
- Its Oh So Quiet
- Its Oh So Quiet
- Its Oh So Quiet
- Its Oh So Quiet
- Its Oh So Quiet
- looking back
- making Post
- Possibly Maybe
- Possibly Maybe
- Possibly Maybe
- Post being a divorce album
- Post being fearless
- recording in Bahamas
- Telegram
- Telegram
- Telegram
- Telegram
- The Modern Things
- The Modern Things
- The Modern Things
- the title
- the video for Army of Me
- the video for I Miss You
- the video for Its Oh So Quiet
- the video for Possibly Maybe
- the video for Possibly Maybe
- touring
- why she did Telegram, a remix album
- working with different people
- working with Marius de Vries
- writing the songs
- Youve Been Flirting Again
- You’ve Been Flirting Again
working with Marius de Vries
At that time he was Nellee’s right-hand man. They worked together closely. It ended up with Marius and me doing most of the stuff ; Nellee wasn’t around, so a certain conflict developped. I asked him to join in but his heart was somewhere else. which was fair enough.
Livebox interview, 2002