À l’occasion de la sortie de l’album de The Hamrahlíð Choir le 4 décembre, Björk revient, dans une interview croisée avec la cheffe Þorgerður Ingólfsdóttir sur son histoire avec le chœur islandais.
Pour Document Journal, elles expliquent notamment comment leur collaboration pour la tournée Cornucopia s’est faite à la dernière minute :
We still had so many huge technical things that we hadn’t quite solved. There were bespoke instruments : a circular flute, huge organ pipes—seven meters long—flying over us, reverb chamber, and a magnet harp. We had very few hours for soundcheck, and we had to put microphones on everyone. [Laughs] I still don’t know how we did it. Crazy miracles.
Björk conclut avec une anecdote d’adolescence lorsqu’elle était membre de ce chœur
One of my favorite moments, I have to say, is when I sang when I was 16. It was extraordinary ; there were 1,000 people on stage, it was a four-hour long piece. I actually made a mistake, and I think it’s actually on the album. I sang one eighth note, in the alto, too early in one part. And [Þorgerður] came up to me and told me what a beautiful eighth mistake this was. She had the grace to make me feel better about it. It was very sweet ; I was just one of 1,000 people, and nobody knew who I was at that point. That was an extraordinary experience.
Lire l’interview complète sur le site de Document Journal
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