Produit par Madonna et Nelle Hooper
Parole et écriture : Björk, Marius DeVries et Nellee Hooper
La démo d’origine a été plus tard retravaillée par Björk et est devenue Sweet Intuition.
"Madonna did her own version and wrote the lyrics wrong. I can’t remember right now, but it was a really interesting mistake.
It was something like “Let’s say goodbye to logic and reason” and she got it wrong so that it actually meant the opposite….I was like, ‘Okay’…’”
According to author Mark Pytlik in his book Björk : Wow and Flutter, Madonna was inspired at that time by Björk’s second studio album, Debut (1993). Through her connections with De Vries and Hooper, Madonna got in touch with Björk and offered her a chance to write a track for Bedtime Stories. Björk did not consider herself a fan of Madonna’s music, but she was intrigued by the offer and she accepted it. She wrote a song initially named "Let’s Get Unconscious", with the opening lyrics "Today is the last day, That I’m using words"—the lines being born out of Björk’s own criticism of Madonna’s aesthetic. The singer clarified, "When I was offered to write a song for [Madonna], I couldn’t really picture me doing a song that would suit her... But on second thought, I decided to do this to write the things I have always wanted to hear her say that she’s never said."
Once the song demo had been finished, De Vries and Hooper rearranged the track and the final version was called "Bedtime Story".Wikipedia