Wonderbrass (Icelandic Brass Section)


Volta Voltaic


  • Tournée Volta 2007-2008

Wonderbrass (Icelandic Brass Section)


Groupe de cuivres composé de dix musiciennes islandaises qui ont accompagné Björk lors de la tournée Volta.

Brynju Guðmundsdóttir, Sigrúnu Kristbjörgu Jónsdóttir, Hörpu Jóhannsdóttir, Erlu Axelsdóttir, Særúnu Ósk Pálmadóttir, Bergrúnu Snæbjörnsdóttir, Valdísi Þorkelsdóttir, Sylvíu Hlynsdóttir, Sigrúnu Jónsdóttir et Björk Níelsdóttir.

Travail avec Björk


 Tournée Volta

 Photoshoot en Islande pour le magazine Dazed & Confused

Björk à propos du groupe

You use an Icelandic female brass section on Volta. Yet on Wanderlust, you sing, « I have lost my origin ». Was employing musicians from your homeland a way of trying to reconnect with the sort of primal essence that Iceland has instilled you with ? Or am I overanalyzing it ?
Could be. My anchor this time around was pretty global ; I’m tired of nationalism. But it is great to have them around. Perhaps they support also the « female power » aspect of the album.

source : « Army of She : Planting Flags with Bjork », Filter-mag.com


 Blog Brynja Guðmundsdóttir
 Blog Valdís Þorkelsdóttir