Producteur de Houston chez Tri Angle Records
Travail avec Björk
– History of Touches (Rabit naked mix)
– Co-producteur du titre Losss
A propos du remix
"was so blown away when i heard him first , just the amount of character in the beats , adore his spartan fierce some sort of texan techno teddy boy thing : you can always tell its him !! have so much enthusiasm to witness him grow , his best def yet to come ...... "
"The situation around this remix posed so many new questions for me. Björk wants to work with me ? Is this for real ? What could *i* do with a song from that album...and would it ever be good enough ? How would I know when it’s done, and mostly, how am I going to do this sitting in my chair at home, don’t *real* musicians use studios ? By the time my track was done, most of my questions had been answered. I just went with my instinct and trusted the results. I tried to find that thing that she recognises in my music, turn to it, and let it out. I hope people feel it."
Rabit à propos de Losss
I met Björk a few years through Robin Carolan of Tri Angle Records. I was sharing the Communion demos with her and she was really into the track ‘Pandemic’. This was around the time she was first writing Utopia, but the track was already firmly fixed into my album. So she asked me for a beat, and of course I was floored. We worked on the song for maybe two years, off and on – some remote work, some at her home in Brooklyn. It was a chance for me to really see a master at work. I’ve never seen a song produced in this way, with such specificity, intention, and patience. Intention is important to me.
When Trump started sabotaging things, I was texting her, ‘We need a new pied piper. Do it !’ It feels good to be this open amongst fellow artists, Björk and Alejandro (Ghersi, aka Arca), to say things out loud and make them important and set that intention, to be amongst people who agree with this. It’s humane and it’s very powerful.Dazed - Novembre 2017
– La suite des remixes de Vulnicura
– Les collaborations confirmées sur Utopia
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