Utopia’s friday flute club



Utopia’s friday flute club


Ensemble de douze flûtistes islandaises avec lequel Björk jouait chaque vendredi.

Melkorka Ólafsdóttir* (en photo), Áshildur Haraldsdóttir*, Berglind María Tómasdóttir*, Steinunn Vala Pálsdóttir*, Björg Brjánrsdóttir*, Þuríður Jónsdóttir*, Pamela de Sensi, Sigríður Hjördis Indriðadóttir, Emilia Rós Sigfúsdóttir*, Dagný Marínósdóttir, Sólveig Magnusdóttir, Berglind Stefánsdóttir et Hafdís Vigfúsdóttir.

7 des 12 flûtistes ont formé le groupe Viibra pour la tournée Utopia.

Collaboration avec Björk

 Flûtes sur l’album Utopia
 Clip Utopia

Björk à propos du club

What she wants to tell me about is the all-female group of 12 flautists on Utopia. “The flute club ! Flute-föstudagur !” She got them together and they would meet at her cabin every Friday (föstudagur means Friday). Björk, who’s been paying the flute since she was six, rehearsed them over and over, “like 50 or 60 days”, and did all the arrangements and the conducting, everything. It was the same for the choir and the brass, “and for all the arrangements I’ve done on my albums. But people… it’s like they think it happened by magic and fell from the sky.”

The Observer

“All the flutes you hear started from a twelve-piece flute orchestra, and by some strange luck, they were always free on Fridays so we would go to my cabin and rehearse. If you’re going to make a whole flute album, you want to make as many colours as possible !”


"I want to take a little break and then maybe in spring arrive with an angle of the live album. I think there were a few things I didn’t completely explore, like more with soloists and mysterious kind of flute playing. And I’m gonna be rehearsing with the flute players here in Iceland. I just want it to happen organically in early spring. We have some additional flute songs and some different kind of angles."

Beats 1

Björk à propos du choix des musiciennes

“Although she employed twelve flutes in ‘Utopia,’ Björk decided to only involve seven flautists for this concert to encourage her audience to focus on the individual sounds. “These girls are all very different,” she told Morgunblaðið. “Some of them are into modern music, some are more into French romanticism, others are doing more improv and experimental music—and they’re the best flautists in Iceland !”


Telemann - Fantasia 6 - Dolce, Melkorka Ólafsdóttir


 La tournée Utopia débutera en Islande
 Le clip d’Utopia disponible
 Utopia, sortie du 9e album de Björk
 Un album live pour Utopia au printemps ?


 Melkorka Ólafsdóttir
 Þuríður Jónsdóttir
 Berglind María Tómasdóttir
 Emilia Rós Sigfúsdóttir