Nature Manifesto

it is an emergency
the apocalypse has already happened
and how we will act now is essential
in pioneering sound-strata
with mutant peacocks, bees, and lemurs
biology will reassemble in new ways
and micro-organisms will mate with other life-forms
to heal and adapt
in fruiting bodies
and fields of sensory information
the web of life will unfold into a world of new solutions
We would like to share our “Nature Manifesto,” a sound installation at the Centre Pompidou, Paris. Produced in collaboration with the IRCAM using AI software, this immersive sound piece gives endangered and extinct animals a voice by merging their sounds with our words. We wanted to share their presence in an architecture representing the industrial age, far away from nature. In the veins of the escalator of the museum, known as the “caterpillar,” we wanted to remind citizens of the raw vitality of endangered creatures. Even though you are restlessly traveling between floors whilst listening to this soundpiece, the tone of animals’ voices hopefully builds a sonic bridge towards the listeners. And in the spirit of these animals, in the magic of how they are sensually aligned with their environment, they become our teachers ! Their ghosts remind us of improving our primordial mindfulness. But we didn’t only want to talk the talk but walk the walk, so together with young environmentalists in France and Iceland, we have set up a campaign. It will launch later.Thank you,

Björk and Aleph


Deux vidéos de présentation générées avec l’aide de l’AI ont été publiées sur les réseaux sociaux pour annoncer la diffusion de l’oeuvre.

Nature Manifesto, pt. 1

Nature Manifesto, pt. 2


Pièce sonore immersive
Durée : 3 min 40
Du 20 novembre au 9 décembre 2024
Centre Pompidou, Paris.
Présentée dans le cadre du forum “Biodiversité : quelle culture pour quel futur ?”

Concept et texte : Björk & Aleph
Musique écrite et composée par Björk

Commissariat : Chloé Siganos et Aleph Molinari
Commissaire associée : Delphine Le Gatt
Informatique musicale (Ircam) : Robin Meier Wiratunga
Ingénieur du son : Bergur Þórisson
Animation : Sam Balfua
Montage vidéo : Santiago Molinari

En partenariat avec D&B Audio et Southby Productions.


  • Aleph Molinari
  • Bergur Þórisson